We are depending on God to supply the financial needs of this ministry and our family. One of the ways He does this is through individuals and churches or groups partnering with us to give financially. By giving, you are investing in what God is doing through the ministry of Refuge 461 to help those struggling with homosexuality live free in Christ one step at a time. Giving to the Ministry of Refuge 461 is done through the North American Mission Board. They handle all of the record keeping and tax information for those who give. 100% of what is given comes directly to the ministry of Refuge 461. Your tax deductible gift may be given in the following ways:
Online: You may give a tax deductible donation online through a secure site with the North American Mission Board. Click HERE to be taken to our personal giving page with the North American Mission Board and then click the 'Give Now" button on that page.
Check: You may also give by check. Make the check payable to:
Attention: Accounting
PO Box 116543
Atlanta, Georgia 30368-6543
Please include on the memo portion of your check: Fund ID-009634-Selby, Hal.
We are so thankful for those who are standing with us in this ministry by praying and giving. Your financial support of us and the ministry of Refuge 461 is helping us help others to live free in Christ one step at a time! Pray with us that God will raise up many others who will stand with us by giving. Thank you!